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Published on: 28 Oct 2014 By

Consumer Protection Class Actions – Obtaining recovery for unfair business practices where individual damages are small

In Ontario, class actions are a mechanism for groups of people to seek justice. In this article, Elizabeth deBoer looks at how the Consumer Protection Act plays a role in class actions and provides examples of situations where the public can use this legislation to access justice. The Ontari…

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Published on: 27 Oct 2014 By (Dianne Saxe)

Chevron intervention: what is the “public interest”?

The Canadian Bar Association (CBA) has been engaged in a fierce internal debate over the Association’s decision, now revoked, to intervene in Chevron’s appeal to the Supreme Court. The Ecuadorian plaintiffs in the case are seeking to enforce a $9.5 billion judgment obtained in Ecuador for te…

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Published on: 17 Oct 2014 By

Why do some franchisees fail while others thrive?

A recent article in The Wall Street Journal suggested that a number of prominent U.S. franchise brands are suffering higher than average default rates under the Small Business Administration (SBA) loan program. In fact, these brands had a failure rate more than double the rate for borrowers …

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Published on: 17 Oct 2014 By

Tribunal indecisiveness causes backlogs, increased costs

The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (OHRT) recently refused to dismiss an employee’s human rights complaint against McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada Limited (MRCL) of discrimination based on family status and marital status. MRCL is the franchisor of the McDonald’s restaurant system in Canada.…

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