Court of Appeal overturns Berendsen
The most lasting impact of Berendsen may be Judge Seppi's trenchant criticism of the MOE's standard-setting process, and its failure to consider either cumulative effects or special sensitivities of some species.
View the post titled Court of Appeal overturns BerendsenOntario has posted its GHG reporting regulation
Ontario has adopted Regulation 452/09, its Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting regulation. The regulation will require a broad range of Ontario organizations to report their greenhouse gas emissions, starting with the calendar year that begins January 1, 2010. In response to 33 submissions co…
View the post titled Ontario has posted its GHG reporting regulation$1,000,000 penalty for odour
Fines for industrial accidents keep climbing. On November 4, 2009, BP Canada Energy Company pleaded guilty to one count of causing an odorous discharge that caused an adverse effect. BP was fined $800,000 plus the 25% victim fine surcharge. BP operates a natural gas liquid fractionation plan…
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View the post titled What topics should we cover?Orange trees in Ontario?
Is the Ontario Ministry of the Environment really worried about soil toxicity in Ontario adversely affecting orange trees?
View the post titled Orange trees in Ontario?Toxic toys?
Even very responsible companies can stock products that may be harmful.
View the post titled Toxic toys?How big a flood plain should we protect?
The White House is now consulting on a new executive order that would expand floodplain protection for critical facilities, from the 100 to the 500 year storm line.
View the post titled How big a flood plain should we protect?Another wind energy lawsuit
If you have been at Kingston’s waterfront lately, you’ve seen an 86-turbine wind farm on nearby on Wolfe Island. According to TransAlta, the operator, it’s the second largest wind farm in Canada. The non-profit Hearthmakers Energy Co-operative is proud of the spinning blades and…
View the post titled Another wind energy lawsuitBulk water transfers?
I was delighted to stumble upon an excellent summary of Canada's national and provincial laws on bulk water transfers.
View the post titled Bulk water transfers?Find us on Mondaq too
This week, Mondaq’s most popular environmental article, worldwide, was our 10 Things that You Need to Know about Contaminated Sites. According to Mondaq, it is the world’s largest legal news network, so this is quite a compliment. Of course, faithful readers of this blog see th…
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