Twelve FAQ for Wills and Estates
Siskinds’ Will and Estate Lawyers respond to hundreds of calls each year. Here is a list of the questions I am most frequently asked, and my standard responses. How do we find out if there is a will? What happens in an intestacy? When is there a reading of the will? How do I get...
View the post titled Twelve FAQ for Wills and EstatesNew Changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 Will Affect Calculation of New Year’s Day Holiday Pay
Happy New Year, everyone! Effective January 1, 2018, the method used for calculating public holiday pay has changed, meaning that the way employers are required to pay qualifying employees for New Year’s Day will be different than the method used for calculating Christmas and Boxing Da…
View the post titled New Changes to the Employment Standards Act, 2000 Will Affect Calculation of New Year’s Day Holiday PayThe Risks of Cutting Off an Employee’s Insurance Benefits After Termination
We frequently warn our clients about the significant risks of prematurely cutting off an employee’s insurance benefits post-termination. Here is an excellent article from the Globe & Mail explaining the reasons for that advice. If you have any questions regarding this article or a…
View the post titled The Risks of Cutting Off an Employee’s Insurance Benefits After TerminationCanada to Invest $44.84 Million Towards the Great Lakes Protection Initiative
The International Joint Commission (“IJC”) is a binational organization created under the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. The purpose of the IJC is to prevent and resolve disputes relating to the use and quality of boundary waters. The IJC recognizes that each country is affected by the othe…
View the post titled Canada to Invest $44.84 Million Towards the Great Lakes Protection InitiativeClass Proceedings Can Fill the Gap in Canadian Regulatory Action
Canadian Investors’ Perceived Vulnerability to Fraudsters A recent Globe and Mail article highlights the difficulty Canadian investors have in recovering proceeds of crime from fraudsters. Examining 30 years’ worth of regulatory enforcement proceedings, the Globe comes to the conclusion that…
View the post titled Class Proceedings Can Fill the Gap in Canadian Regulatory ActionAuditors Must Properly Audit Their Client Companies and Would be Legally Liable if they Fail to do so, Supreme Court of Canada Holds
Case commentary: Deloitte & Touche v Livent Inc (Receiver of), 2017 SCC 63 In a long-awaited judgment rendered today, a unanimous Supreme Court of Canada held that Deloitte & Touche (now, Deloitte LLP) owed, and breached, a duty of care by failing to perform a proper statutory audi…
View the post titled Auditors Must Properly Audit Their Client Companies and Would be Legally Liable if they Fail to do so, Supreme Court of Canada HoldsThe high costs of drinking and driving
As the festivities of the holiday season continue, we see many reminders to not drink and drive. The cost of drinking and driving is an incredibly high one – in both human life and financially for those who are found guilty. According to MADD Canada (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), crashes i…
View the post titled The high costs of drinking and drivingHome Rebate for Climate Change Initiatives
On December 13th the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change announced its initiatives to promote energy-efficient homes. Ontario residents are eligible for rebates on low-carbon, energy-efficient renovations completed on their homes. This new program is under the Green Ontario Fund, …
View the post titled Home Rebate for Climate Change InitiativesPeter Dillon Featured in Franchise Law Journal – Canada’s Developing Franchise Jurisprudence
The Franchise Law Journal is a respected collection of franchising news, published seasonally by the American Bar Association. Franchise lawyer Peter Dillon was recently featured in the winter 2017 edition for his article Canada: It’s Like Watching A Car Crash in Slow Motion. With homage to …
View the post titled Peter Dillon Featured in Franchise Law Journal – Canada’s Developing Franchise JurisprudenceVideo Testimonial – Motorcycle Accident
When our client struck a train that was occupying a crossing on a dark country road, he was left a triple limb amputee. He found himself in a situation where he was unable to represent himself. Jim Mays stepped in to guarantee the best outcome for him. He tells his story here:
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