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Published on: 3 Feb 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environmental Assessment: Foreigners keep out?

According to Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver, “Anyone looking at the record of approvals for certain major projects across Canada cannot help but come to the conclusion that many of these projects have been delayed too long.  In many cases, these projects would create thousands upon th…

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Published on: 24 Jan 2012 By

Important New Privacy Ruling: What on earth is “intrusion upon seclusion”?

I’ve often said that my job is mostly about people behaving badly at work, so the fact situations underlying the cases I read are often all too human in nature.  Consider the case of Winnie, who was fighting with her common-law husband about money. She wasn’t convinced he was actually paying…

View the post titled Important New Privacy Ruling: What on earth is “intrusion upon seclusion”?