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Published on: 21 Sep 2018 By

Environmental Review Tribunal Clarifies Section 34(1) of OWRA

The Environmental Review Tribunal (“ERT”) recently released a decision clarifying the scope of section 34(1) of the Ontario Water Resources Act R.S.O. 1990, c. O.40, (“OWRA”). The City of Thunder Bay (“City”) in Thunder Bay (City) v. Ontario (Environment, Conservation and Parks), ERT no. 18-…

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Published on: 17 Sep 2018 By

Ontario Files Argument in Court Challenge of Federal Carbon Tax Act

On September 14, 2018, the government of Ontario filed a statement of particulars in the constitutional challenge of the federal government’s Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act filed on August 1, 2018. By Order in Council the Province set out the question to be addressed by the court as: “…

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Published on: 14 Sep 2018 By

Recent Developments in Securities Class Actions: Pre-Certification Jurisdictional Challenges

Today, capital markets are essentially borderless. Stock exchanges with physical trading floors have become an anachronism. Electronic transactions are the norm. With the click of a button, Canadian investors can buy and sell securities of foreign companies on foreign stock exchanges. But wh…

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Published on: 11 Sep 2018 By

Ontario Superior Court of Justice Sets Aside Provisions of Legislation Cutting Toronto City Council in Half in City of Toronto et al v. Ontario (Attorney General), 2018 ONSC 5151.

In July 2018, merely one month into his new role as Ontario Premier, Doug Ford announced his intention to reduce the number of Councillors in the City of Toronto by almost 50%. Bill 5, Better Local Government Act (“Bill 5”), which received Royal Assent on August 14, 2018, reduced the number …

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Published on: 7 Sep 2018 By (She/Her)

Changes to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA)

A change has occurred this year in Ontario which impacts the delivery of child welfare services to children, youth and families. The Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) came into force on April 30, 2018, with Part X scheduled to come into force in January 2020. The Child, Youth and …

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