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Professionals have unique needs.

The professionals practice group at Siskinds offers a full-service approach for professionals, to address all of their legal needs over the course of their professional careers through to retirement. Physicians, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, accountants, veterinarians, and other professions — each share the fact they are governed by a college, society or institute to ensure the highest professionals standards are delivered to patients and clients. Our mission is to not only assist professionals in the business aspects of their professional practice (including incorporation, leasing, contractual arrangements, employee issues) but to also meet the various legal needs they encounter in their personal lives—from buying a house to estate planning through wills and powers of attorney.

Professional Corporations

A substantial percentage of professionals practice their profession through a professional corporation. Assistance with the formation, ongoing maintenance and corporate changes to the professional corporation is the core of the legal services that Siskinds provides to professionals. There are many advantages for professionals to practice through a professional corporation. For a more detailed analysis of the advantages read our blog post, Should I Practice Through a Professional Corporation?

Each profession has its own governing legislation that provides the special provisions applicable to a professional corporation. The overriding corporate law provisions are found in the Ontario Business Corporations Act, which authorizes the unique corporate structure for a professional corporation. While the corporation is a separate legal entity from the individual professional, as between the professional and his or her patient or client there is transparency so the duties and professional responsibilities are directly between the professional and the patient or client.

To ensure the most effective legal structure, it is important to engage a lawyer who is fully familiar with all of the special requirements for each profession and who is able to work with the professionals’ accountant and tax advisor to ensure the structure meets the long term goals of the professional and his/her family. The Siskinds team is able to offer that specialized assistance.

Other Legal Needs

As professionals start and continue their practices, there will be many other legal needs they encounter, such as leasing space, buying an existing practice, bank financing, purchase of a building, hiring employees, entering into agreements such as associate agreements, partnership agreements, shareholder agreements, agreements with hospitals, practice groups and others. In each of these situations, one or more of the members of the Siskinds firm will have the specific expertise to assist. The particular issue or need will be clearly identified to ensure the professional is connected with the appropriate lawyer within the firm.

A Full-Service Approach

We offer all the legal services professionals may encounter throughout their careers and into retirement.


Each stage of a physician’s career will attract different legal needs and considerations. We understand.


We have extensive experience dealing with many different legal issues that dentists may face throughout their careers.


Our experience in advising optometrists on a variety of legal issues allows us to offer a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary suite of services tailored to assist optometrists throughout their personal lives, their career, and into retirement.


We understand that each stage of a veterinarian’s career will attract different legal needs and considerations. The needs of a newer veterinarian may be different than those of a veterinarian who is nearing retirement from his or her practice.


As busy professionals, pharmacists may experience rapid change as their careers and personal circumstances advance. Our experience in advising pharmacists on a variety of legal issues allows us to offer a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary suite of services tailored to assist pharmacists throughout their personal lives, their career, and into retirement.


We recognize the unique legal and business requirements that accountants are faced with, and our experience in advising accountants on a variety of legal issues allows us to offer a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary suite of services tailored to assist accountants throughout their personal life, their career, and into retirement.

Our Team

Learn more about Stacey Bothwell.

Stacey Bothwell

Partner - Business Law
Learn more about Graeme Sperryn.

Graeme Sperryn

Partner - Business Law
Learn more about Katherine Serniwka.

Katherine Serniwka

Lawyer - Business Law

News & Views


The more you understand, the easier it is to manage well.

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Business Essentials – Episode 6: Professional practice law and running a practice virtually

In Siskinds’ Business Essentials, a limited-run podcast series, Chris Sinal of Siskinds’ Lab…

Cybersecurity and privacy considerations for Professionals

Professional organizations, including medical, dental and other health care practices, conti…