New rules for US GHG control
Since the US Congress is deadlocked on climate change legislation, the Obama administration is moving forward to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions under the Clean Air Act, starting January 2, 2011. One of the challenges in doing this is that the Clean Air Act was designed for toxins em…
View the post titled New rules for US GHG controlReducing GHG from heavy vehicles
Environment Canada has released a consultation document, proposing elements of future regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from new heavy-duty vehicles. Essentially, Canada will adopt the same rules as the US. In Canada, transportation accounts for about a quarter of greenhouse gas…
View the post titled Reducing GHG from heavy vehiclesNew rules for incinerators
Guideline A-7: Air Pollution Control, Design and Operation Guidelines for Municipal Waste Thermal Treatment Facilities, has been revised and renamed as “Air Pollution Control, Design and Operation Guidelines for Municipal Waste Thermal Treatment Facilities”. Guideline A-7 was updated to revi…
View the post titled New rules for incineratorsBlog frequency
Dear Faithful Readers: We will be publishing at a somewhat reduced frequency for the foreseeable future due to a family medical emergency. We appreciate your understanding.
View the post titled Blog frequencyAu revoir, Jim Prentice
We wish former federal Environment Minister Jim Prentice well in his new career at CIBC. We have not been fans of the Harper Government’s environmental program, especially on climate change. But we admit that we were pleasantly surprised last week when then Environment Minister Prentice ref…
View the post titled Au revoir, Jim PrenticeEnvironmental fines in Canada
Nimonik has posted an interesting and original survey of environmental fines imposed in Canada from 1990 to 2009. According to the reports provided by each jurisdiction, only $26-million dollars worth of environmental fines have been levied against polluters by both provincial and federal l…
View the post titled Environmental fines in CanadaNow can they make you talk?
Most of the “Open for Business Act” changes to Ontario environmental laws won’t take effect till next year or so. But one important change has already happened: they may be able to make you talk.
View the post titled Now can they make you talk?Cumulative pollution a Charter breach?
Ecojustice has launched a lawsuit on behalf of Aamjiwnaaang First Nation members, Ron Plain and Ada Lockridge, alleging that the cumulative effects of government approved pollution in Sarnia’s Chemical Valley amounts to a violation of their human rights under sections 7 and 15 of the …
View the post titled Cumulative pollution a Charter breach?Open for Business- new rules for approvals
Bill 68, the Open for Business Act, has received Royal Assent. Schedule 7 of the Act makes major changes to a range of Ministry of the Environment statutes. Most will be phased in over time. For example, the Environmental Protection Act has received major amendments. A new Permit by Rule ap…
View the post titled Open for Business- new rules for approvalsHazardous waste nonsuit decision
As mentioned last week, we won a rare non-suit motion in the Ontario Court of Justice on three counts, each against three defendants charged with improperly managing hazardous waste at a transfer site, contrary to the Environmental Protection Act. In each case, the Ministry of the Environme…
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