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Published on: 1 Mar 2024 By

Canadians who spent time at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina may be eligible for compensation

People who spent time at the Camp Lejeune military base in Jacksonville, North Carolina at any point between August 1953 and December 1987 were exposed to contaminated water and may be eligible for compensation for serious heath issues linked to toxic exposure. The US Marine Corps Base Camp …

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Published on: 23 Feb 2024 By

Justice served and seen: The landmark verdict for Our London Family

Justice must not only be done but also be seen to be done.  Yesterday in a packed London, Ontario courtroom, we witnessed justice in action. The trial of the terrorist who, on June 6, 2021, in a single act of terrorism, killed Our London Family and orphaned a little boy has now reached final…

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Published on: 12 Feb 2024 By

Is Bill 124 unconstitutional? Yes. And also, no.

On, February 12, 2024, the Ontario Court of Appeal (the “Court”) released its much-anticipated decision1 on the constitutionality of Bill 124, the Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (the “Act”), which restricts increases to salaries and compensation for e…

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Published on: 22 Jan 2024 By

Canadian private equity funds face hidden risks when taking on non-resident investors

Private equity funds and limited partnerships Private equity funds almost always operate as limited partnerships (LPs). The LP structure is simple but effective: The fund manager, usually a corporation, manages the business as the general partner and assumes unlimited liability. The investor…

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Published on: 19 Jan 2024 By

Another large increase: Statutory deductibles and thresholds 2024 – A legislated barrier to full recovery

Did you know that if you have been hurt in a motor vehicle collision seriously enough to receive an award for pain and suffering, it may be reduced by $46,053.20? This amount is known as the statutory deductible and, worse yet, it is tied to inflation and increases each year. If you are inju…

View the post titled Another large increase: Statutory deductibles and thresholds 2024 – A legislated barrier to full recovery