Probate planning pitfalls: The risks that you need to consider before adding your child to the title of your home for estate planning purposes
When it comes to estate planning, people often become fixated on ensuring that their estate does not have to pay Estate Administration Tax (also known as “probate tax”1). This fixation is largely driven by the fact that if one’s estate is not subject to probate tax, there will be more money …
View the post titled Probate planning pitfalls: The risks that you need to consider before adding your child to the title of your home for estate planning purposesCanadians who spent time at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina may be eligible for compensation
People who spent time at the Camp Lejeune military base in Jacksonville, North Carolina at any point between August 1953 and December 1987 were exposed to contaminated water and may be eligible for compensation for serious heath issues linked to toxic exposure. The US Marine Corps Base Camp …
View the post titled Canadians who spent time at Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina may be eligible for compensationSit, stay, stop: Liability and driving with your dog
For most dog owners, the words “car ride” gets their dog excited and begging to hit the road. However, driving with your dog in your vehicle poses a risk to your safety, your pet’s safety, and the safety of other drivers. In a recent Canadian survey, almost half (47%) of participants leave t…
View the post titled Sit, stay, stop: Liability and driving with your dogAn update on the family pet in a separation
Unfortunately upon the breakdown of a relationship it is not uncommon to see the family pet being used as a weapon. One spouse knowingly understands how important the pet is to the other spouse, and may use the pet to create additional conflict. One spouse may insist they are more entitled t…
View the post titled An update on the family pet in a separationJustice served and seen: The landmark verdict for Our London Family
Justice must not only be done but also be seen to be done. Yesterday in a packed London, Ontario courtroom, we witnessed justice in action. The trial of the terrorist who, on June 6, 2021, in a single act of terrorism, killed Our London Family and orphaned a little boy has now reached final…
View the post titled Justice served and seen: The landmark verdict for Our London FamilyIs Bill 124 unconstitutional? Yes. And also, no.
On, February 12, 2024, the Ontario Court of Appeal (the “Court”) released its much-anticipated decision1 on the constitutionality of Bill 124, the Protecting a Sustainable Public Sector for Future Generations Act, 2019 (the “Act”), which restricts increases to salaries and compensation for e…
View the post titled Is Bill 124 unconstitutional? Yes. And also, no.Paths to resolving a family law separation
Experiencing a separation is never easy. When a relationship breaks down, there are many issues that need to be resolved, such as deciding whether the family home will be sold or bought out by one party, dividing or “equalizing” the family property, setting a parenting schedule for the child…
View the post titled Paths to resolving a family law separationFiduciary accounting: Accounting and record-keeping requirements for attorneys and guardians for property
Court-appointed guardians of property and persons acting pursuant to a continuing power of attorney for property (commonly referred to as “attorneys for property”) share a common duty: they are tasked with managing money and/or property for the benefit of someone who is no longer capable of …
View the post titled Fiduciary accounting: Accounting and record-keeping requirements for attorneys and guardians for propertyCanadian private equity funds face hidden risks when taking on non-resident investors
Private equity funds and limited partnerships Private equity funds almost always operate as limited partnerships (LPs). The LP structure is simple but effective: The fund manager, usually a corporation, manages the business as the general partner and assumes unlimited liability. The investor…
View the post titled Canadian private equity funds face hidden risks when taking on non-resident investorsFault in left-turn collisions
Left-turn collisions often occur at intersections. One driver may be going straight through the intersection while another, proceeding in the opposite direction, is attempting to turn left at the light. Examples of behaviour that can result in a left-turn collision include: When a collision …
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