Climate change victims can sue coal-fired plants
Those who burn coal create emissions known to have adverse effects (climate change) on others. These are the very sorts of harm that tort law is designed to control.
View the post titled Climate change victims can sue coal-fired plantsGreenhouse Gas law second reading
Bill 185, the Environmental Protection Amendment Act (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading) 2009, received second reading debate September 14 and 15th. This fairly uncontroversial statute will give the province power to adopt regulations to implement a greenhouse gas emission trading system. The…
View the post titled Greenhouse Gas law second readingWhat's organic?
Is it more important to buy food that is “organic” or local?
View the post titled What's organic?Finding green work in Toronto
So many people ask me for help in finding green work in Toronto that here is a summary of places to look.
View the post titled Finding green work in TorontoGreen Energy Act being rolled out in 10 steps
Over the next several weeks, the Ontario government will take ten important steps to bring the Green Energy Act to life
View the post titled Green Energy Act being rolled out in 10 stepsExplosive neighbours and disgruntled municipalities
The village of Beaumont adopted a bylaw to prohibit the construction of any compressed or liquid gas storage facility within 1 kilometer of its borders.
View the post titled Explosive neighbours and disgruntled municipalitiesReg. 419/05, s. 11 and Technical Standards
The Ministry of the Environment could, and should, give Technical Standards for industrial sectors a much bigger role in the regulation of air emissions in Ontario.
View the post titled Reg. 419/05, s. 11 and Technical Standards419/05- Why no right of appeal?
Proposed amendments to Reg. 419/05 will give the Director a vast, untrammelled discretion to control how the regulation is applied, regardless of the facts or the accuracy of the of the Director’s approach. Although the consequences for affected companies can be very substantial, no reaso…
View the post titled 419/05- Why no right of appeal?Preston Manning calls for carbon and water pricing
Preston Manning, pillar of Canadian conservatism, called today for all Canadian governments to build a sustainable Canada by relying heavily on pricing. Water should cost more, especially where it is scarce, as in southern Alberta. And the urgency of climate change should be met, now, with c…
View the post titled Preston Manning calls for carbon and water pricingGreen weddings and other events
We did what we could to "green" our daughter's recent wedding. It was (mostly) easy, and we were delighted with the results.
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