Just Cause: All’s Well That Ends Well, But in the Meantime…
It’s not news to readers of this blog that proving just cause for the dismissal of an employee is a high hurdle. Our clients also know that we usually recommend the continuation of a dismissed employee’s group benefits during negotiations post-dismissal. Now there’s a case to highlight the i…
View the post titled Just Cause: All’s Well That Ends Well, But in the Meantime…Best Lawyers Canada
Siskinds is happy to extend congratulations to Charles Wright of class action litigation, Henry Berg of corporate law, Jim Virtue of insurance law, Andre Michael of medical negligence, and Jim Mays of personal injury litigation for their recognition in this year’s edition of Best Lawye…
View the post titled Best Lawyers Canada$100,000 Fine for Selling Tetrachloroethylene
On August 16, 2017, Dalex Canada, pled guilty to one count of contravening the Tetrachloroethylene (Use in Dry Cleaning and Reporting Requirements) Regulations (“Dry Cleaning Regulations”) under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (“CEPA”). Dalax Canada supplies equipment and ser…
View the post titled $100,000 Fine for Selling TetrachloroethyleneAnd Who is my Neighbour? Superior Court Rejects Proposed Class Action by Survivors of the Rana Plaza Disaster
Introduction In April 2013, Rana Plaza – an unsanctioned commercial building on the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh home to several clothing manufacturers – collapsed. The failure was driven in part by the industrial equipment required to manufacture garments in the building, which had a poor…
View the post titled And Who is my Neighbour? Superior Court Rejects Proposed Class Action by Survivors of the Rana Plaza DisasterEU-US Privacy Shield Framework – Does it Apply to Your Business?
Background In late 2015, the highest court in the European Union invalidated the Safe Harbor data-transfer framework that ruled over the transmission of personal data between the EU and U.S. for approximately 15 years. The European Court of Justice held that the U.S. government’s repeated an…
View the post titled EU-US Privacy Shield Framework – Does it Apply to Your Business?Canada Consumer Product Safety Act – Does it Apply to Your Business?
The Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (“CCPSA”) has the stated purpose of protecting the public by addressing or preventing dangers to human health or safety that are posed by consumer products in Canada, including those products that are imported.[1] The legislation defines a “danger to hu…
View the post titled Canada Consumer Product Safety Act – Does it Apply to Your Business?Going to Court in Ontario: Selecting the Proper Jurisdiction to Commence Your Claim
Summary This article provides a comparative review of the two venues to commence your legal action in Ontario. Overview If you have suffered a wrong (i.e. breach of contract) you may commence a legal proceeding in an Ontario court. You may do so in Small Claims Court (“SCC”) or in the Superi…
View the post titled Going to Court in Ontario: Selecting the Proper Jurisdiction to Commence Your ClaimContributory Negligence
Some clients come to us believing that they won’t succeed in a claim for damages because they were at fault, or partially at fault for the accident which caused their injuries. What these clients often don’t know is that the law doesn’t view who is at fault as a black and white issue. Courts can,...
View the post titled Contributory NegligenceCoal Mine Fined $4.5 Million for Provincial and Federal Offences
A coal mining company was fined approximately $4.5 million in federal and provincial penalties as a result of a spill from its tailings pond into tributaries flowing into the Athabasca River in Alberta. Prairie Mines & Royalty ULC (formerly known as Coal Valley Resources Inc.) pled guil…
View the post titled Coal Mine Fined $4.5 Million for Provincial and Federal OffencesNew Treaty Governing Ocean Biodiversity on the Horizon?
A new treaty governing biodiversity and the use of nearly 50 per cent of the world’s oceans, is inching closer to realisation. The biodiversity of the world’s oceans are increasingly under threat from over-fishing, pollution, the decline of biodiversity, and acidification, among other perils…
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