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Published on: 18 Dec 2015 By

Supervisors Increasingly Face Jail Time in Health and Safety Prosecutions

While companies are often aware of the serious costs that may arise from charges under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (the OHSA), recent decisions suggest that the courts are increasingly willing to levy heavy penalties against supervisors as well, including sentencing them to …

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Published on: 18 Dec 2015 By


With the proliferation of Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, GoFundMe and others, many small businesses are beginning to view crowdfunding as a viable revenue source. Globally, crowdfunding accounted for $5.1 billion in revenue. There are currently over 112 active crowdfunding platforms located in Cana…

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Published on: 16 Dec 2015 By

Scarlett v. Belair Insurance Co. : A 2015 Update on the MIG

In this 2015 appeal[1] by Mr. Scarlett to the Divisional Court, Director Delegate Evans’ decision was partially upheld. First, the Divisional Court clearly found that the injured person has the burden of proving that his or her injuries fall outside of the Minor Injuries Guideline (“MIG”). S…

View the post titled Scarlett v. Belair Insurance Co. : A 2015 Update on the MIG
Published on: 14 Dec 2015 By

The Paris Agreement

Over the weekend, representatives from 195 countries signed an historic agreement aimed at curbing climate change. The “Paris Agreement,” which has yet, of course, to be ratified, is being touted as a “universal” climate agreement, with 195 signatories. Industry, poli…

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