Expanding your multi-level marketing plan to Canada
The Competition Bureau: Achieving positive written opinions for multi-level marketers Canada’s legal system imposes severe civil and criminal penalties on multi-level marketing (MLM) plans that fail to follow the law. Illegitimate businesses face the potential of paying unlimited fines, and …
View the post titled Expanding your multi-level marketing plan to CanadaShould I send my child for access during the COVID-19 pandemic?
These are unprecedented times. As I write this article, Canada has 3,385 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, and as you read this article that number is bound to be higher – perhaps exponentially higher. All non-urgent matters in the Ontario courts have been suspended, w…
View the post titled Should I send my child for access during the COVID-19 pandemic?What does COVID-19 mean for franchise systems?
How does the COVID-19 pandemic affect franchises systems? On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. As the situation evolves, the day-to-day affairs of businesses are constantly changing. Responding to a pandemic poses a unique situation for franch…
View the post titled What does COVID-19 mean for franchise systems?Response to COVID-19: letter from Board of Directors
In response to ongoing developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Directors at Siskinds LLP has developed a comprehensive operational plan that aims to protect our employees, clients, colleagues and the greater community while continuing to deliver uninterrupted legal servic…
View the post titled Response to COVID-19: letter from Board of DirectorsConsumer e-commerce transactions
Over the past 10 years there has been tremendous growth in e-commerce within Canada. By the year 2020, e-commerce is projected to reach $50 billion, representing approximately 10% of total retail sales in Canada. The main reason for this massive growth in online sales is simple: convenience.…
View the post titled Consumer e-commerce transactionsProtecting wild salmon in Canadian Courts, moving toward stricter protections?
In Canada, we import approximately 93% of the fish consumed while we continue to export a significant amount of fish caught. Also, there is a lack of information relating to the fish being exported from Canada. In 2018 five tonnes of AquaAdvantage (genetically modified) salmon were sold, but…
View the post titled Protecting wild salmon in Canadian Courts, moving toward stricter protections?Are patent “no challenge clauses” enforceable?
In late 2020, the Divisional Court decision in Loops L.L.C. v. Maxill Inc.[1] overturned an Ontario Superior Court of Justice decision that had held a patent “no-challenge” clause in a settlement agreement was unenforceable[2] and granted an interlocutory injunction to enforce the clause. C…
View the post titled Are patent “no challenge clauses” enforceable?Plan early for the sale of a dental practice
The sale of a dental practice can be quite complex and involves many factors that the dentist must consider. In this article, retired Siskinds’ partner and business lawyer, Henry Berg, discusses the benefits of planning early for the sale of a dental practice to ensure that the value of the …
View the post titled Plan early for the sale of a dental practiceCybersecurity and privacy considerations for Professionals
Professional organizations, including medical, dental and other health care practices, continually depend on technology and digital advancements to collect, store and organize information about their patients. Increasing use of electronic data and electronic medical records creates a heighte…
View the post titled Cybersecurity and privacy considerations for ProfessionalsWhat about greenhouse gas emissions – Are we going far enough?
Recently, two cases State of Netherlands v Urgenda (December 20, 2019) and Juliana v. United States (January 17, 2020) highlight the contradictory role of the courts as it relates to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The Urgenda decision, issued by the Supreme Court of the Netherlands,…
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