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Published on: 10 Apr 2012 By

Siskinds is pleased to announce that Paul Strickland will be on the cabinet for United Way London & Middlesex.

As a member of the Campaign Cabinet, he will be leading a team of volunteers, and helping make a positive difference in the community. For more information, please visit http://www.uwlondon.on.ca/campaign-cabinet.html.

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Published on: 5 Apr 2012 By

Siskinds is a proud sponsor of the Venture London Business Competition.

Venture London is a business competition fostering the thriving entrepreneurial culture in our city. The contest Launched on October 26, 2011 and the awards celebration took place on April 4, 2012. Siskinds wishes a congratulations to all finalists. For more information, please visit http://…

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Published on: 4 Apr 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Provincial budget: environmental fees going up more

Here are some excerpts from last week’s Ontario provincial budget, promising further increases in fees relating to the environment. Contaminated sites fees, water taking charges, fees for environmental compliance approvals and for hazardous waste will all go up by almost $10 million. T…

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Published on: 2 Apr 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Attacks escalating on environmental charities

Just as the Federal Budget spends $8 million to increase the burdens on charities to prove that they are staying away from political activities, the oil industry is trying to get Environmental Defence’s charitable registration revoked. The lobby group that calls itself Ethical Oil has …

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Published on: 28 Mar 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Mine or hauler: Who's responsible for Waste PCB Oil?

In Enviro West Inc. v. Copper Mountain Mining Corp. a waste hauler was hired to remove waste oil from a transformer at a mine. Despite several oral and written warnings, the hauler didn’t realize the oil was heavily contaminated with PCBs. As a result, the hauler mixed the PCBs with ot…

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Published on: 27 Mar 2012 By

State of the Unions

In the wake of belt-tightening budgets from government and a growing sense that labour relations are entering a more difficult period in both the public and private sectors, an article in last weekend’s Globe and Mail by John Allemang makes for interesting reading – whether your organization…

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