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Published on: 8 Mar 2019 By

Ontario Government’s Environmental Policies Continue to Take Shape

On March 6, 2019, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks released a discussion paper titled, Reducing Litter and Waste in Our Communities (the “Discussion Paper”). As the Introduction indicates, the Discussion Paper is intended to outline in further detail the steps …

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Published on: 5 Mar 2019 By

Ontario Government Publishes Response Statements for Six Species At Risk Under the Endangered Species Act, 2007

On February 28, 2019, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks issued multiple species-specific policies (“Response Statements”) in accordance with the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA). Under the ESA, the Government of Ontario is obligated to produce and adhere to a …

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Published on: 25 Feb 2019 By

Annual Report on Lake Simcoe Protection Plan Released

On February 15, 2019, the Minister of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks released the 2017 Annual Report on Lake Simcoe. The report describes the measures taken in 2017 to implement the Lake Simcoe Protection Plan (the “Plan”). The Lake Simcoe Protection Plan is promulgated pursuant to…

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Published on: 20 Feb 2019 By

Environmental Approvals – Failure to Register EASR

On January 11, 2019 Ace Auto Parts Inc. pled guilty for failing to register an End-of-Life Vehicle site on the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (“EASR”) resulting in a fine of $3,000 plus the 25% Victim Fine Surcharge. Ace Auto Parts Inc. was given a period of six months to pay the…

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Published on: 15 Feb 2019 By ,

Affordable Housing and the Planning Act Authority for Parkland Dedication and Cash-in-Lieu

“You can neither lie to a neighbourhood park, nor reason with it. ‘Artists conceptions’ and persuasive renderings can put pictures of life into proposed neighbourhood parks or parks malls, and verbal rationalizations can conjure up users who ought to appreciate them, but in real life only di…

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Published on: 14 Feb 2019 By

Ontario Court of Appeal Provides Succinct Overview of Regulation of Sewage Works

On January 31, 2019, the Ontario Court of Appeal released its decision in Belwood Lake Cottagers Association Inc. v. Ontario (Environment and Climate Change), 2019 ONCA 70. The decision turned on the interpretation of “lot or parcel of land” in the Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c…

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Published on: 11 Feb 2019 By

Climate Change Alters Municipal Role and Responsibilities

“[By] covering a ground plot with buildings and pavements, which carry off most of the rain and prevent its soaking into the Earth and renewing and purifying the Springs … the water of wells must gradually grow worse, and in time be unfit for use as I find has happened in all old cities. Benjamin...

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Published on: 8 Feb 2019 By

Coffee giant, franchisee group close to settling two class action lawsuits

Franchise lawyer Peter Dillon recently spoke with Advocate Daily about a Canadian coffee giant and frustrated franchisees that appear to be close to reaching a settlement in two class action lawsuits. See the full article below. Coffee giant, franchisee group close to settling two class acti…

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