New hiring practices for publicly funded school boards to reflect diversity and merit
As school boards across the province face teacher shortages, the Ontario government recently made changes to how teaching positions can be filled by publicly funded school boards in Ontario. Effective October 29, 2020, the Ontario government revoked O. Reg 274/12: Hiring Practices, which fa…
View the post titled New hiring practices for publicly funded school boards to reflect diversity and meritHow to trim eDiscovery costs part two: Review fewer documents and review efficiently
In my previous blog post How to trim eDiscovery costs part one: Laying the groundwork, I discussed reducing eDiscovery costs by taking the time to set the stage before documents are exchanged. In the next few weeks I will share some more of our practical tips in a series of short articles. H…
View the post titled How to trim eDiscovery costs part two: Review fewer documents and review efficientlyAssessing medical malpractice damages—non-pecuniary general damages
This article on non-pecuniary general damages is part of a series of articles that discuss the types of damages that may be claimed in a medical negligence case. It is important to note, however, that each case is unique, and the damages claimed will differ as between individuals. The assess…
View the post titled Assessing medical malpractice damages—non-pecuniary general damagesWhat is an honorarium, and is a representative plaintiff always entitled to a reward?
What is a representative plaintiff? In a class action, a representative plaintiff is a person who willingly steps forward and brings an action, in their name, on behalf of a class of similarly situated individuals. They play an active role in the litigation and assume important duties and re…
View the post titled What is an honorarium, and is a representative plaintiff always entitled to a reward?Bladder pain medication Elmiron linked to vision loss
Elmiron, a drug to treat a bladder condition affecting hundreds of thousands of Canadians, has been reported to cause vision loss in long-term users. Elmiron is an oral medication approved to treat interstitial cystitis (also known as painful bladder syndrome). Scientific studies link long-t…
View the post titled Bladder pain medication Elmiron linked to vision lossAssessing medical malpractice—an introduction
For many people, when considering a medical negligence (also known as a medical malpractice) action, the amount of the potential damages (financial compensation) is not the paramount concern. Often persons who have suffered harm at the hands of a health care professional want to ensure that …
View the post titled Assessing medical malpractice—an introductionThe Securities and Exchange Commission amends its whistleblower program
On September 23, 2020, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) finalized changes to its highly successful whistleblower program (the “SEC Program”)1. Since it began, the SEC Program has paid over $500 million in total rewards to tipsters. Earlier this June, one anonymous individu…
View the post titled The Securities and Exchange Commission amends its whistleblower programBig changes on the way for child relocation/mobility cases
In September 2020, the Ontario government introduced Bill 207 – the Moving Ontario Family Law Forward Act, 2020. If passed (as expected), this Bill will amend Ontario’s Children’s Law Reform Act (“CLRA”) and other Acts respecting various family law matters. The proposed amendments are largel…
View the post titled Big changes on the way for child relocation/mobility casesHow to trim eDiscovery costs part one: Lay the groundwork
Budgeting, spending and saving are top of mind for many people and businesses this year. In these uncertain times we are all looking for ways to economize. Discovery is often a costly step in litigation. Clients often ask how they can save money on their eDiscovery costs. In a plaintiff sid…
View the post titled How to trim eDiscovery costs part one: Lay the groundworkLargest foodborne illness outbreak in years linked to onions contaminated with Salmonella
Hundreds of confirmed cases of Salmonella in Canada are linked to a nationwide outbreak arising from contaminated onions. It is the largest single outbreak of foodborne illness in Canada since 2014. Symptoms of Salmonella infection include: Nausea; vomiting; diarrhea; abdominal pain; headach…
View the post titled Largest foodborne illness outbreak in years linked to onions contaminated with SalmonellaReceive Blog Posts
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