Saxe Law Office moves to Siskinds
Dear faithful readers, We are well into the transition of our firm to Siskinds. Team lawyers Paula Boutis and Kirsten Mikadze, as well as our phone lines and this website, will move to Siskinds as of November 23, 2015. After twenty five very good years, the last day that Saxe Law Office will…
View the post titled Saxe Law Office moves to SiskindsCross-Border Cooperation in Class Action Litigation
This is an excerpt from an article written by Siskinds Class Action lawyers Ron Podolny and Daniel Bach and originally published by the American Association for Justice. Introduction Counsel in Canada and the U.S. frequently pursue parallel class actions on the basis of identical allegation…
View the post titled Cross-Border Cooperation in Class Action LitigationNeonic pesticides: Bee protection regulation upheld
An Ontario Superior Court has upheld provincial regulation to dramatically reduce the number of acres planted with corn and soybean seeds coated with a class of pesticides known as neonicotinoids or neonics, which are toxic to bees and other essential pollinators. In Grain Farmers of Ontario…
View the post titled Neonic pesticides: Bee protection regulation upheldUnionized Employee Dismissed from Hydro One for Off-Duty Conduct Reinstated to His Former Position
Last summer a significant amount of media attention was focused on employees being terminated for actions that occurred outside of working hours. One of the most notorious cases involved a unionized Hydro One employee who was dismissed for making vulgar and sexist comments to a television ne…
View the post titled Unionized Employee Dismissed from Hydro One for Off-Duty Conduct Reinstated to His Former PositionTeaching Americans about Ontario water law
Dianne Saxe was honoured with an invitation to present to the prestigious annual fall conference of the American Bar Association Section on Energy, Environment, and Resources Law (SEER). Her topic: water law. More particularly, Ontario and Canadian laws to protect the Great Lakes, including …
View the post titled Teaching Americans about Ontario water lawCompetition Class Actions Cross The Pond
North American style “opt-out” class actions are finally coming to the UK, albeit with a number of unique procedural and substantive modifications. The recent amendments contained in the Consumer Rights Act 2015, which amends the Competition Act 1998, signal a historic shift toward class pro…
View the post titled Competition Class Actions Cross The PondTribunal keeps upholding wind approvals
The Ontario Environmental Review Tribunal keeps upholding wind projects, despite opponents’ arguments that annoyance about wind turbines ought to be considered an adverse health effect. In Dingeldein v. Ontario (Director, Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change), 2015 CarswellO…
View the post titled Tribunal keeps upholding wind approvalsUber Insurance Issues
The Uber App now operates in London, providing a new form of taxi service. It is easy to use, convenient, cheap, and fast. You request a pick-up on the Uber App, and a driver picks you up in their personal vehicle. You can track your Uber taxi by GPS and know exactly how far it is from you,...
View the post titled Uber Insurance IssuesDust in the wind: big fine for blowing tailings dust
The recent conviction of Unimin Canada Ltd (R v Unimin Canada Ltd, 2015 CarswellOnt 11640) underscores again the potential regulatory costs of failing to take appropriate preventative measures to ensure compliance with the Environmental Protection Act, RSO 1990, c E.19 (“EPA”)&…
View the post titled Dust in the wind: big fine for blowing tailings dustNEB updating pipeline damage prevention framework, seeking comments
The National Energy Board (“NEB”) is currently seeking comments on its proposed approach to damage prevention for oil pipelines. Anyone interested in commenting has until November 13, 2015 to do so. The Pipeline Safety Act, SC 2015, c.21, received Royal Assent on June 18, 2015, b…
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