Changes for Personal Injury Plaintiffs Receiving ODSP Benefits
As of August 1, 2017, the amount of money personal injury plaintiffs who are receiving Ontario Disability Support Program (“ODSP”) benefits are eligible to receive as compensation for pain and suffering, for out-of-pocket expenses and future care costs, and for Family Law Act claims is no lo…
View the post titled Changes for Personal Injury Plaintiffs Receiving ODSP BenefitsMount Polley Subject to Private Prosecution Due to Province’s Failure to Act
In the fall of 2016 MiningWatch Canada initiated a private prosecution under the Fisheries Act against the British Columbia government and Mount Polley mine as a result of the collapse of the Mount Polley tailings dam in 2014. The failure of the dam resulted in 25 million cubic metres of was…
View the post titled Mount Polley Subject to Private Prosecution Due to Province’s Failure to ActWhat can a medical negligence action accomplish?
Many individuals who have suffered an adverse event within the health care system may consider pursuing a medical negligence action. For information and a discussion on what constitutes a medical negligence action, please refer to our previous article, which can be accessed here. Within this…
View the post titled What can a medical negligence action accomplish?Partial resolution to ongoing litigation related to 2008 oil spill in Kawartha Lakes
In the latest twist in a long-standing saga, the Superior Court of Justice has ruled partially in favour of a landowner upon whose property in Kawartha Lakes an oil spill. In mid-December, 2008, Thompson Fuels (“Thompson”) delivered 700 litres of fuel oil to the residence of Wayne Gendron. T…
View the post titled Partial resolution to ongoing litigation related to 2008 oil spill in Kawartha LakesLaw for the 21st Century
Click here to check out the Labour & Employment Group’s associates featured in the current edition of Venture Magazine!
View the post titled Law for the 21st CenturyFrustration of Employment Contract: What to Consider Before Throwing in the Towel
Like any contract, an employment contract can be “frustrated” when continued performance of the contract becomes impossible or would be radically different because of a dramatic change in circumstances. Employers typically raise frustration of contract to formally end the employment relation…
View the post titled Frustration of Employment Contract: What to Consider Before Throwing in the TowelNAFTA Reform, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and Environmental Regulation
Canada, the United States, and Mexico are set to begin the re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”) in August. The foreign investment protection chapter (Chapter 11) is likely to be among other contentious aspects of the treaty to be addressed. Chapter 11 protects …
View the post titled NAFTA Reform, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and Environmental RegulationNeighbourly Bad Blood Results in Cost Award at the Tribunal
An alleged oil spill that occurred in 1990, giving rise to extensive proceedings before the Environmental Review Tribunal (“Tribunal”) and Superior Court, took an unexpected turn earlier this year, leading the Tribunal to issue an unusual costs award. In May 2014, the Ministry of…
View the post titled Neighbourly Bad Blood Results in Cost Award at the TribunalIndividual and Construction Companies Fined $95,000 for Illegal Waste Disposal
On June 21, 2017, SNC-Lavalin Constructors (Pacific) Inc., Dragodos Canada Inc., and EllisDon Corporation pled guilty and were fined for: generating liquid industrial waste, permitting the waste to leave their control with a non-approved waste transportation contractor, and, failing to compl…
View the post titled Individual and Construction Companies Fined $95,000 for Illegal Waste DisposalConcerned About Bill 148? Have Your Say By This Friday
Yesterday, the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs’ tour of Ontario hit London to hear from the public on the changes to labour and employment legislation proposed in Bill 148, the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017. Throughout the day, the Committee considered oral presen…
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