Employers: Supreme Court of Canada weighs in on discrimination, bonus entitlements
It has been some time since the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”) last addressed employment-law related issues, but it recently issued two noteworthy decisions that may be relevant to employers. In Fraser v. Canada (Attorney General), 2020 SCC 28, the SCC arguably set the bar lower for employe…
View the post titled Employers: Supreme Court of Canada weighs in on discrimination, bonus entitlementsWhat real estate professionals need to know about incorporating
On March 4, 2020, Bill 145 received royal assent and amended and replaced the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act with the Trust in Real Estate Services Act (TRESA). The most significant amendment ushered in under TRESA is that real estate professionals are now permitted to carry on their b…
View the post titled What real estate professionals need to know about incorporatingFines of over $120,000 imposed for serial violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Not ensuring a safe workplace can be a costly mistake as one London, Ontario rebar fabricator recently found out. During the summer of 2018, a Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development Inspector issued 18 orders to AGF Rebar Inc. (“AGF”) requiring that certain machinery inside its…
View the post titled Fines of over $120,000 imposed for serial violations of the Occupational Health and Safety ActCOVID-19 and limiting liability
In response to growing and prospective litigation arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic, several jurisdictions have considered liability protection legislation1. The Ontario Government is no exception and has recently introduced Bill 218, the Supporting Ontario’s Recovery Act (the “Act” or th…
View the post titled COVID-19 and limiting liabilityThe ever-expanding cannabis market
On November 3, 2020, the world watched eagerly to determine whether President Trump would become re-elected or whether Former Vice-President Challenger Joe Biden would supplant the incumbent. Finally, on November 7th we received the definitive answer. But many have overlooked another importa…
View the post titled The ever-expanding cannabis marketEstate planning for professionals
As professionals progress in their careers, the estate planning process may become quite complex. The development of a clear estate plan is critical to ensure that the intentions of the testator are honoured, while dealing with the estate in the most tax efficient manner. Many business owner…
View the post titled Estate planning for professionalsOntario’s new restriction framework and what that means for Ontario businesses
Consistent with the ever-changing nature of rules and regulations around COVID-19, the Province of Ontario has announced a rehauling of the COVID-19 alert framework we have become accustomed to (Stages 1-3), by way of the Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework, effective Saturday November 7…
View the post titled Ontario’s new restriction framework and what that means for Ontario businessesHow many questions is too many on an examination for discovery by written interrogatories?
In a case of sufficient size and complexity, asking several hundred questions on an examination for discovery by written interrogatories may not be disproportionate absent bad faith or illegality, according to a recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. In the recent case of …
View the post titled How many questions is too many on an examination for discovery by written interrogatories?Just talk to each other! How a simple conversation can reduce liability
Family status accommodation requests are some of the most difficult faced by employers. Where is the line between an employee’s personal preference and a legal right to expect accommodation? Recently, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal drew that line and in doing so, provided some em…
View the post titled Just talk to each other! How a simple conversation can reduce liabilityNew hiring practices for publicly funded school boards to reflect diversity and merit
As school boards across the province face teacher shortages, the Ontario government recently made changes to how teaching positions can be filled by publicly funded school boards in Ontario. Effective October 29, 2020, the Ontario government revoked O. Reg 274/12: Hiring Practices, which fa…
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