What you need to know about 2023 statutory deductibles and thresholds
This blog post refers specifically to 2023 statutory deductibles and thresholds. Please see this blog post for 2024 deductible and threshold amounts. Did you know that if you have been hurt in a motor vehicle collision seriously enough to receive an award for pain and suffering, it may be re…
View the post titled What you need to know about 2023 statutory deductibles and thresholdsVendor financing: Considerations for business sellers
Following a year focused heavily on concerns surrounding inflation, the Bank of Canada made its seventh rate increase of 2022 on December 7. After a period of cheap access to money fuelling robust M&A activity, some prospective buyers may be finding themselves in a more challenging posi…
View the post titled Vendor financing: Considerations for business sellersMy child suffered an injury at birth, can I start a lawsuit?
While the birth of a new child can be a joyous time, it can also be difficult, particularly if the child suffers an injury at birth during labour or delivery. In addition to adjusting to the new roles of parents and caregivers of an injured child, the question of whether the birth injury was…
View the post titled My child suffered an injury at birth, can I start a lawsuit?How does a second family impact child support?
After a separation, it is not uncommon for one or both spouses to move on to a new romantic relationship, have new biological children or take on the role of a step-parent. This is sometimes referred to as a “second family”. Having a second family can create new financial obligations, and th…
View the post titled How does a second family impact child support?Labour law 101: Certification applications in the construction industry
What employers need to know about certification applications in the construction industry Continuing with our labour law basics series, in today’s post we will discuss what to do if a union files a certification application with the Ontario Labour Relations Board (“OLRB” or the “Board”) seek…
View the post titled Labour law 101: Certification applications in the construction industryInsurance companies paying below minimum wage for attendant care support
A Court decision from 2021 interpreted recent legislation to mean that unless personal support workers (“PSWs”) or other licenced care providers are willing to provide services below minimum wage, injured people will be required to pay the difference, or they will simply not be able to recei…
View the post titled Insurance companies paying below minimum wage for attendant care supportWhat is a parenting plan?
Life is not predictable, but it can be made easier when separated parents have the stability of a parenting plan. A parenting plan is one of the most critical legal documents for preventing conflict between you and your ex-partner. The Divorce Act defines a parenting plan as a document that …
View the post titled What is a parenting plan?Privacy and the use of electronic medical and dental records
Physicians, dentists and other health practitioners have professional, legal and ethical responsibilities to keep the personal health information of their patients confidential and private. These obligations are governed and imposed by the regulatory body of each profession as well as variou…
View the post titled Privacy and the use of electronic medical and dental recordsWhat you need to know before you sign a liability waiver
Winter sports season is around the corner. Usually, participants must sign a liability waiver to enjoy a ski hill or skate on a public rink. It’s common for people to sign a liability waiver without giving it a second thought. However, you may be giving up your rights a little too fast, with…
View the post titled What you need to know before you sign a liability waiverCar insurance 101: 7 optional accident benefits you should consider
When you renew your car insurance policy, you have a variety of options to increase your coverage in the event that you are injured. The basic policy may seem appealing to most drivers, because it has the lowest premiums. But if you ask anyone who has been injured in an accident, the standar…
View the post titled Car insurance 101: 7 optional accident benefits you should considerReceive Blog Posts
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