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As a key pillar in supporting the development of Ontario’s green economy, the Ontario government made O.Reg.359/09 (Renewable Energy Approvals) under the Environmental Protection Act, which came in to force on September 24, 2009. This regulation offers a hopefully one-window approach to regulating renewable energy generation facilities. The Ministry of the Environment (MOE) is proposing to amend O.Reg.359/09 to provide additional clarity with respect to certain regulatory requirements for activities subject to the regulation and align it more closely to its original intent. For example, all dwellings will now be defined as noise receptors, instead of the centre of the property.

The proposed amendments have been posted to the Environmental Registry for a 45 day public review and comment period starting October 07, 2010. Please submit your comments, by November 21, 2010 by following the link below.


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