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Published on: 20 Nov 2018 By

Federal Court Scheduled to Hear Application for Judicial Review in David Suzuki Foundation et al v. Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health et al.

This week, the Federal Court of Canada is scheduled to hear oral arguments in the case of David Suzuki Foundation et al v. Attorney General of Canada, Minister of Health et al, T-1071-16 (“Suzuki Foundation”). Suzuki Foundation is an application for judicial review brought by the David Suzuk…

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Published on: 15 Nov 2018 By

Environmental Bill of Rights “Leave to Appeal” Test Remains a Significant Hurdle to ECA Appeals

The Environmental Review Tribunal (“ERT” or “Tribunal”) released a decision in Freshway Investments Inc. v. Ontario (MECP) on November 5, 2018 denying an application for leave to appeal an Environmental Compliance Approval (“ECA”) for a Waste Disposal Site in York Region, Ontario (the “Site”…

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Published on: 18 Oct 2018 By

Examining Shared Environmental Interests with the Michigan State Bar Webcast

On November 12th, members of State Bar of Michigan and the Ontario Bar Association come together to discuss environmental law topics relevant to lawyers on both sides of the border. Moderated by Siskinds LLP partner Paula Lombardi, speakers will discuss the impact of the deep geological repo…

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Published on: 5 Mar 2018 By

Unreasonable Delay in Environmental Prosecutions after R v Jordan: Where Are We Now?

The 2016 Supreme Court of Canada decision in R v Jordan, 2016 SCC 27, created a major stir in the criminal bar by clarifying what constitutes an accused’s right under subsection 11(b) of the Charter to be tried within a reasonable time. There was speculation at the time of the decision’s rel…

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Published on: 17 Aug 2017 By

Going to Court in Ontario: Selecting the Proper Jurisdiction to Commence Your Claim

Summary This article provides a comparative review of the two venues to commence your legal action in Ontario. Overview If you have suffered a wrong (i.e. breach of contract) you may commence a legal proceeding in an Ontario court. You may do so in Small Claims Court (“SCC”) or in the Superi…

View the post titled Going to Court in Ontario: Selecting the Proper Jurisdiction to Commence Your Claim
Published on: 28 Jul 2017 By

NAFTA Reform, Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and Environmental Regulation

Canada, the United States, and Mexico are set to begin the re-negotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”) in August. The foreign investment protection chapter (Chapter 11) is likely to be among other contentious aspects of the treaty to be addressed. Chapter 11 protects …

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