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Published on: 8 Jul 2024 By

Privacy pulse: Enforcement against Adobe, Microsoft controversies and OPC 23andMe joint investigation

The Siskinds Privacy, Cyber and Data Governance team is focused on providing businesses and professionals with monthly updates and commentary on technology, privacy, and artificial intelligence (A.I.) laws in both the U.S. and Canada. There have been big updates from south of the border, par…

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Published on: 5 Apr 2021 By ,

Driving into the future: Privacy and insurance implications of self-driving cars

Back in the early 90s, shows like Transformers and Knight Rider shaped and invigorated the imagination of young kids by integrating well known cars with computerized, autonomous, and intelligent personalities. The cars drove themselves; both literally and in personality. Today this story, wh…

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Published on: 10 Mar 2021 By

Top five things you need to know to get your business to be PCI compliant

Does your business accept payment via credit card? If so, you will likely need to be PCI compliant. This article provides a step-by-step guide for beginners on what PCI compliance is and how to get your business PCI compliant. 1. What is PCI DSS? The PCI Security Standards Council (the “Coun…

View the post titled Top five things you need to know to get your business to be PCI compliant
Published on: 26 Jan 2021 By ,

A new Privacy Commissioner may be coming to town

Lawyers have been chatting around the water cooler about “Bill C-11”. But what is that and how does it affect you? As explained in our previous article about whether the Prime Minister could ban TikTok, the data privacy of Canadians is governed by PIPEDA. This Act sets Canada’s current stand…

View the post titled A new Privacy Commissioner may be coming to town
Published on: 13 Jan 2021 By

When is a Freedom of Information request frivolous or vexatious?

Freedom of information requests will be refused if they are “frivolous or vexatious.” The bar is very high for a request to be considered frivolous or vexatious – the head of the institution that is refusing the claim needs to have evidence to substantiate their decision. This short article …

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