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Published on: 19 Nov 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Waterpower projects can't be reviewed because they don't get review?

So, waterpower development can't be reviewed by the ERT, because it gets only minimal scrutiny under the Environmental Assessment Act. Given the substantial adverse environmental impacts that waterpower development can have, it is incongruous to exempt it so fully from public review.

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Published on: 17 Oct 2012 By (Dianne Saxe)

Environmental regulation: Municipalities v province, province v. federal government

What happens when municipal bylaws try to control energy or resource projects authorized by the federal or provincial governments? (They have some scope). How far will the Spraytech precedent take them? Can corporations use federal insolvency laws to cleanse themselves of irksome environment…

View the post titled Environmental regulation: Municipalities v province, province v. federal government
Published on: 30 Sep 2011 By (Dianne Saxe)

Municipality can require waterfront greening to protect water

The St. Charles Lake provides half the potable water used by Québec City.  When nutrients from human activity began to create plagues of toxic bacteria, the City enacted a by-law requiring owners of lakefront property to put in 10-15 metre buffer zones comprised of trees, bushes and other pl…

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