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A class action was commenced in which it was alleged that certain manufacturers of sorbates (including potassium sorbates and sorbic acid) unlawfully conspired to fix prices and allocate markets for sorbates. Damages were sought on behalf of all people who purchased sorbates or products containing sorbates between 1979 and 1996.

A settlement was reached with all but one of the companies named in the action. The settlement has been approved by the courts in Ontario and Quebec. A settlement approval hearing is pending in Quebec. The claim against the non-settling defendant, Chisso Corporation, will continue as a separate lawsuit.

The deadline to submit a claim was May 15, 2002.

Endorsement of J.Cumming January 14, 2002 (PDF Document)

Settlement Agreement (PDF Document)

For further information concerning this action, please contact Jennifer Bald at 1-800-461-6166 ext. 2455 or e-mail Jennifer by clicking the Contact Us link below.

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