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At one time or another, you may have received notification that you are eligible to participate in a class action. The notice will tell you how to file a claim, usually by completing an online form on a website dedicated to the administration of the class action. Sometimes you may be required to provide a receipt or other proof of purchase or entitlement.

After you file your claim to receive payment, and the deadline to file claims has passed, the claims administrator reviews and processes the claims received. This process can typically take anywhere from a year to 18 months.

If you are entitled to receive compensation from the class action, you will receive your payment one year to 18 months after you filed your claim. You may be paid by electronic transfer, by cheque, or through another method.

How do you know if the payment you receive is legitimate?

  • Check the Internet for information about the class action. Media outlets may have reported on settlements reached in the class action and there may be news articles about the proposed distribution of funds in the class action.   
  • Visit the claims administration website. The funds available for distribution in the class action will typically be distributed by a court-appointed administrator. A dedicated website for the class action will have been created by the administrator. This is the website you will have used to file your original claim. The website will provide an update on the status of the class action, when payments are expected to be sent out, and the method by which you will be paid (cheque or electronic transfer, for example).
  • Visit Class Counsel’s website. Class Counsel will have a dedicated webpage for the class action. The webpage will include an overview of the class action, any developments in the class action, and the current status of the class action, including when payments are being released by the claims administrator.
  • Visit the claims administrator’s website. The claims administrator’s website will provide a list of active cases they are involved in. You can confirm whether or not the class action is included in their list of active cases. The website may also include a direct link to the class action’s claims administration website.
  • Visit various class action registry databases. You can look for information and updates on the class action by searching for the class action on the Quebec registry of class actions or the National Class Action Database.
  • You will not be asked to provide sensitive banking information. You may be paid by electronic transfer through email. If so, you will not be asked to provide any sensitive banking information.

If you still have concerns about the validity of the payment, you can contact Class Counsel or the claims administrator for more information.

If you have questions about the information contained within this article, please reach out to Siskinds Class Actions Team.

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