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First Nations are playing an ever-expanding role in the siting of new renewable energy projects. Now, the new Aboriginal Energy Partnership Program (AEPP)[1] will help First Nations and Métis communities to develop and own renewable energy projects.[2] Funding applications are already being accepted.[3]

First Nations already benefit from the $250 million Aboriginal Loan Guarantee Program (ALGP)  – to buy equity in renewable generation and transmission projects[4] – and a price premium for Feed-In Tariff (FIT) projects in which they have at least 10 per cent of equity.[5] AEPP now adds:[6]

1.     Aboriginal Renewable Energy Fund: grants for initial project development costs such as resource assessment, environmental and technical studies, up to $500,000;

2.     The Aboriginal Renewable Energy Network [7], a website about renewable energy generation and conservation designed for Aboriginal communities, including the grant application form; and

3.     Aboriginal Community Energy Plans, to assist First Nations and Métis to plan their future energy needs, including conservation and new resources.

Will First Nations become as dominant in renewable energy as they already are in casinos?

Jessica Yuan and Dianne Saxe


Aboriginal Renewable Energy Network, At http://www.aboriginalenergy.ca/

Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. (2009). Support for First Nations and Métis Communities in Green Energy Development, At http://news.ontario.ca/mei/en/2009/09/support-for-first-nation-and-metis-communities-in-green-energy-development.html

Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. (2009a). Aboriginal Energy Partnership Program: Creating Green Energy Opportunities for First Nations and Métis Communities, At http://news.ontario.ca/mei/en/2009/09/aboriginal-energy-partnerships-program-creating-green-energy-opportunities-for-first-nation-and-meti.html

OPA. (2010). Aboriginal Energy Partnership Program, At http://www.powerauthority.on.ca/Page.asp?PageID=122&ContentID=7138&SiteNodeID=484

OPA. (2010a). Aboriginal Communities get New Tools to Develop Clean Power Projects, At http://www.powerauthority.on.ca/Page.asp?PageID=122&ContentID=7235

[1] OPA. (2010). Aboriginal Energy Partnership Program, At http://www.powerauthority.on.ca/Page.asp?PageID=122&ContentID=7138&SiteNodeID=484

[2] OPA. (2010a). Aboriginal Communities get New Tools to Develop Clean Power Projects, At http://www.powerauthority.on.ca/Page.asp?PageID=122&ContentID=7235

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. (2010). At http://news.ontario.ca/mei/en/2009/09/support-for-first-nation-and-metis-communities-in-green-energy-development.html

[5] OPA (2010a).

[6] OPA (2010; 2010a).

[7] Aboriginal Renewable Energy Network, At http://www.aboriginalenergy.ca/

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