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The City of London was fined $20,000, plus the 25% victim fine surcharge, for breaching its Ministry of the Environment approval for a wastewater treatment plant, contrary to the Ontario Water Resources Act.

The City of London owns and operates the Greenway Pollution Control Centre. The facility treats municipal wastewater prior to discharging into the Thames River and operates under a ministry approval. Aluminum sulphate spilled in the plant due to failure to keep all necessary valves closed, as required by that approval.

The wastewater plant spill happened when an aluminum sulphate storage tank was empty and out of service due to a broken draw-line. The valve leading to this tank from two other storage tanks was opened, allowing aluminum sulphate to flow into the tank and out via the broken draw-line. Although the tank had a secondary containment structure, its drain had been left open to allow for the drainage of water and/or snow melt. As a result, the aluminum sulphate flowed out into the plant.

No individuals were convicted.

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