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With the pandemic landscape shifting on a daily basis, we are all weighing our personal comfort in accessing medical support while weighing risks of what is, or is not, essential. Access to treatment, be it physiotherapy, occupational therapy or ongoing counselling is all weighed with the risk of attending in public places with many potential persons in attendance. These fears are even more significant for worried parents trying to determine the best course of treatment for their children.

To aid in addressing these concerns, London Children’s Hospital has launched an innovative virtual ER visit service as of Monday, May 11. This service provides a link between emergency room doctors conducing virtual triage by videoconference and those requiring support. The virtual emergency clinic allows contact with a pediatric emergency doctor, allowing triage to determine if a child should be taken to the emergency room or a family doctor. While no medications will be prescribed nor diagnoses made, the service ought to provide reassurance and allow ongoing monitoring.

To contact the London Children’s Hospital’s virtual emergency clinic, call 519-685-8735 between 4 pm and 7 pm, 7 days per week. This will allow intake staff to generate a patient registration form, including an email invitation to a WebEx meeting. If the situation is urgent, hospital staff want to remind everyone that our hospitals remain operating. Emergencies should call 9-1-1 or visit the Emergency Department as required.

Rely on trusted sources, including your family doctor, treatment team and our Middlesex Health Unit for reliable advice. Stay safe, stay well and follow government recommendations.

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