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Polyester Staple
A class action was commenced in which it was alleged that certain manufacturers of Polyester Staple unlawfully conspired to fix prices and allocate markets for Polyester Staple. Damages were sought on behalf of all people who purchased Polyester Staple between at least September 1, 1999 and January 31, 2001.

Polyester Staple is a man-made, petroleum based fiber that is manufactured in varying thickness and lengths. Polyester staple fiber is used to make textiles, fabrics, clothing, home furnishings and many other products.

Settlements have been reached in this action which resolves the litigation. The deadline to file a claim under the settlements was January 17, 2006. This settlement has concluded and all claims have been paid.

For further information concerning this action, please contact Jennifer Bald at 1-800-461-6166 ext. 2455 or email [email protected].

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