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The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) has started work on government response statements, now that recovery strategies for eleven endangered species have been finalized, as required by the Endangered Species Act, 2007: See  EBR Registry Number: 011-2480.

It’s a long, slow process. Each government response statement is required to explain what the Government of Ontario intends to do to implement the recovery strategy and its priorities for doing so. For now, the public is invited to review the 11 final recovery strategies and submit comments  on the goals and actions the Government should adopt. During stage 2, this notice will be republished and the proposed government response statements will be made available to the public on the MNR Species at Risk website. The public will then be invited to review and comment on the proposed government response statements.

The 11 species are:

• American White Pelican
• Forked Three-awned Grass
• Fowler’s Toad
• Hoary Mountain-mint
• Northern Barrens Tiger Beetle
• Pale-bellied Frost Lichen
• Queensnake
• Small Whorled Pogonia
• Wavy-rayed Lampmussel
• Virginia Mallow
• Wood-poppy.


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