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Emily Foreman was unbelievable in helping me through a difficult time in my life. After I was involved in an accident and suffered numerous injuries, I didn’t know what my options were. I was dealing with doctors, physical issues, and the overwhelming emotions involved in knowing my conditions could possibly never improve. Emily walked me through the process and made it easy. She answered all my questions, no matter how trivial, and took time out of her day to ensure a quick response and ensured I received all the supports I needed to try and get back to how I use to be. Throughout the years I’ve received so much support from Emily and she was truly compassionate. Emily not only worked for me but worked with me to ensure I was happy and satisfied. – Marko

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The more you understand, the easier it is to manage well.

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Privacy lessons from 2024 that every business should be aware of

As a cross-border business technology and privacy lawyer working with clients in Canada and …

Privacy pulse: Ending 2024

Happy New Year! The Siskinds Privacy, Cyber and Data Governance team returns in 2025, provid…