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First "permit by rule" approval sectors

Ontario’s new environmental approvals system is proposed to have two streams:

a detailed Approvals Process (to be called Environmental Compliance Approval) for more complex situations, similar to the current certificates of approval. In this stream, applications for activities outside the EASR would be made to the Ministry of the Environment. The MOE would continue to do a detailed technical review of documentation submitted by the applicant(s) and to seek public input.

  1. a “permit by rule” or Registry Process (to be called Environmental Activity & Sector Registry – EASR): In this stream, those conducting specified activities, and who meet specified requirements, would only need to register with the Ministry, without the long wait for MOE review and approval, and without undergoing individual public consultation.
  2. Naturally, there is strong interest in who will qualify for the quicker, less expensive registration process. On January 18, 2011, the MOE published its first list of the routine, well understood activities and sectors that will be eligible for the simpler, registration process:

(see EBR Registry Number 011-1959.)

Further lists are now under review, and will be published soon.


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